Get WhatsApp rental alerts from 35+ sources
- top 3 biggest platforms +
- 32 agencies & property managers
- 200+ new flats streamed daily
- 4 filter options
Get WhatsApp rental alerts from 35+ sources
- top 3 biggest platforms +
- 32 agencies & property managers
- 200+ new flats streamed daily
- 4 filter options
Biggest rentals aggregator
We scan and filter listings from property managers, agencies, and top real estate platforms based on your criteria.
Never miss a good listing again
Receive instant notifications via WhatsApp or email, so you can read and respond on time.
Apply directly to agencies
Access properties before public listing and apply early. Agencies often prefer direct applicants.
Searching for flats in Berlin
Many platforms
Constantly monitoring rental platforms and agency websites can be overwhelming
Difficult to filter
Many lack the essential filters, especially the crucial one: commute time to a preferred location.
Hundreds of applicants
In a fiercely competitive market, where dozens of applicants emerge within the first few minutes, your application can quickly be sidelined.
Full time job
You waste time hitting refresh in your web browser, all in the hopes of being the first to discover and secure new property listings.
How to search for flats with FlatAlert
Set up filters
Specify your apartment preferences and commute to get tailored recommendations.
Receive Flat Alerts
Receive instant notifications by email and/ or WhatsApp (beta)
Apply immediately
Being among the first applicants significantly increases your chances to receive a viewing invite.
Check email
Communicate directly with the landlords and agents. All answers are received directly on your email.
Starter package
7 days
No credit card needed.
Flat Alert
monthly subscription
€15/ month
Frequent Asked Questions
Answers to questions you probably have
Is it possible to begin with the Starter package and upgrade to the paid service later?
You can initially use the free package to get a feel for the service and then subscribe to the paid version if you choose.
Alternatively, you might get lucky and secure an apartment within your first week of using FlatAlert, making an upgrade unnecessary.
Where do I receive the Alerts?
You can receive FlatAlerts via WhatsApp and/ or email.
Is it possible to modify my search criteria?
Absolutely, you can update your search criteria from your account at any time. Additionally, we suggest refining your search based on the results you obtain. Consider adjusting factors such as your budget, preferred locations, living space, or even the number of rooms.
How can I increase my chances of getting more viewings?
To improve your chances, apply within the first few minutes after the listing is published and include a brief presentation in German directly on their website.
Ensure your income is at least three times the cold rent value and that there is at least one room per tenant (for 1 - 3 room apartments).
Unfortunately, this is the reality of the current market.
How many new apartments do you publish in a day?
We aggregate all listings from the 35 platforms we monitor, excluding those identified as short-term, sublets, or furnished. On an average day, there are over 200 new apartments. How many will match your search?
How frequently will I receive FlatAlerts?
Our monitoring system operates approximately every 5 minutes, but new flats are not always available at each interval. The number of alerts you receive depends on your search criteria and the market conditions. A higher rent budget and a broader search area typically result in more frequent alerts. Conversely, if you are focusing on a specific district with a very low budget or seeking a large apartment (4+ rooms), you may receive alerts only every few days.
When can I unsubscribe?
You can unsubscribe at any time. During the free trial period, the process is immediate. If you have started a paid plan, you will stop receiving alerts upon unsubscribing, but your subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle. You can also change your mind and reactivate your subscription at any point before it expires.