How to navigate the rental market with ease, stories and tips for apartment hunters

The Berlin Apartment Hunt: 5 Reasons You're Not Getting Viewings

Written by Andreia | Dec 3, 2024 12:02:17 PM

The Berlin apartment market has become one of the most competitive rental landscapes in Europe, characterized by a significant housing shortage and rising prices. Over the past few years, the city has experienced an influx of residents, drawn by its culture and economic opportunities. This surge in population has intensified rental competition in Berlin, making it increasingly challenging for potential tenants to find and rent apartments.

For those looking to rent in Berlin, being informed about these competitive factors can be crucial for successfully finding a home in this bustling metropolis.

Once you've spent some time to exploring various channels for apartment hunting and come to terms with the compromises necessary to find one within your budget, you begin the application process.

Initially, you submit applications to 5 - 10 apartments, but unfortunately, you receive no invitations for viewings. As a result, you start to lower your standards and increase the number of applications. Yet, you still find yourself with little to no viewings.

What could be going wrong?

Well, landlords have a lot of applicants to chose from, so they will simply select potential future tenants who meet all criteria. 
So think at the following reasons if you consistently get no viewings:

Reason 1: You're Not Applying in Time

Agencies and property managers often receive hundreds of applications within minutes of posting a new listing. Given the volume, they typically review applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Why spend time sifting through 300 applications when the first 50 already meet the basic criteria?
This is why speed is critical. Delaying your application for an apartment you like often means missing out on a viewing opportunity altogether. Every second counts if you want to be among the first applicants and increase your chances of securing that dream apartment.


Reason 2: Not Matching Landlord's Requirements

Renting in Berlin is becoming increasingly expensive, so it's understandable to try and save money by looking for a smaller flat.
However, what many renters don't realize is that landlords and property managers are unlikely to select two people to live in a one-room apartment or a small family to live in a two-room apartment. With a high volume of applicants to choose from, they tend to focus on those who will be "less crowded" in their apartments. This means that if your living situation doesn't match the landlord's requirements, your application is likely to be overlooked in favor of those that do.


Reason 3: Not Matching the Income Criteria

Have you ever applied for an apartment that seemed like a stretch, but you thought you'd manage somehow, or hoped for a raise? In Germany, the general rule when renting is that your net monthly income should be at least three times the basic rent value. This ensures that you still have enough money left for your day-to-day living expenses and that rent doesn't consume your entire budget. Landlords and property managers use this criterion to assess whether potential tenants can afford the rent comfortably. If your income doesn't meet this requirement, your application is likely to be overlooked in favor of those who do.


Reason 4: Not Having the Right Application Text

One key reason you may not be receiving viewings is the quality of your application text. This aspect is particularly crucial when dealing with private landlords or smaller agencies that rely on manual selection rather than automated systems. If your application is not in German, it may be immediately disregarded, as many landlords prefer to communicate in their native language. Additionally, it’s essential to include the most relevant details right at the beginning of your text—ideally within the first three to four lines, otherwise landlords may lose interest and move on to the next applicant.


Reason 5: You Applied to a Scam

Finally, one of the most frustrating reasons for not getting answers or invites is that you might have applied to a scam. Unfortunately, about 6-10% of listings are scams, especially during weekends, making it difficult to filter them out. Big platforms do take steps to identify and remove these fraudulent ads as quickly as possible, but sometimes they slip through the cracks. When a scam ad is unpublished by the platform, you're left with the bitter taste of having applied and not getting any viewings.

In conclusion, navigating the Berlin apartment hunt can be challenging, but understanding the key factors that might be holding you back is the first step towards success.

How many of the five reasons apply to your situation?
Are you submitting your applications in time?
Have you ensured that you meet the most important selection criteria, such as income and the number of tenants?

To stay ahead of the competition, consider using tools like FlatAlert for instant rental notifications on WhatsApp or Berlin Flats for Telegram. You'll be better equipped to secure more viewings in Berlin.

Happy hunting!